Temperature Weather

Weather Forecast for the region of Aruba in Aruba

Aruba (Nederland) - Oranjestad - Arashi - Pos Chiquito - San Nicolas - Savaneta - Seroe Colorado

Weather Forecast for the region of Aruba in Aruba

Aruba (Nederland) - Oranjestad - Arashi - Pos Chiquito - San Nicolas - Savaneta - Seroe Colorado

Weather Forecast for the region of Aruba in Aruba
- delivered by the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK -

Average monthly weather data for the region of Aruba in Aruba

Minimum Temperature Maximum Temperature Water Temperature Sunshine Hours Probability of Rain Humidity
January 25°C    77°F 30°C    86°F 27°C    81°F 5 44% 79%
February 25°C    77°F 30°C    86°F 26°C    79°F 6 28% 78%
March 25°C    77°F 31°C    88°F 25°C    77°F 7 11% 77%
April 26°C    79°F 32°C    90°F 26°C    79°F 7 10% 78%
May 27°C    81°F 33°C    91°F 27°C    81°F 7 15% 77%
June 27°C    81°F 33°C    91°F 27°C    81°F 6 15% 78%
July 27°C    81°F 33°C    91°F 27°C    81°F 6 24% 76%
August 27°C    81°F 33°C    91°F 28°C    82°F 7 15% 74%
September 28°C    82°F 34°C    93°F 28°C    82°F 7 14% 73%
October 27°C    81°F 33°C    91°F 28°C    82°F 6 31% 75%
November 26°C    79°F 32°C    90°F 29°C    84°F 6 47% 76%
December 25°C    77°F 31°C    88°F 28°C    82°F 5 40% 77%

Minimum Temperature = Average minimum temperature of the recent years in Aruba. The temperature may sometimes be higher or lower.
Maximum Temperature = Average maximum temperature of the recent years in Aruba. The temperature may sometimes be higher or lower.
Water Temperature = Average water temperature of the recent years in Aruba. The temperature may be sometimes below or above this value. On shallow beaches, the temperature will be higher in summer.
Sunshine Hours = Average number of sunshine hours per day in Aruba.
Probability of Rain = The average daily probability of rain in Aruba.
Humidity = The average humidity in Aruba. Depending on the actual wind and the sunshine amount, the value may be higher or lower.

Temperature air water aruba Aruba       Sunshine Hours aruba Aruba

xx-grasub3-xx aruba Aruba       xx-grasub4-xx aruba Aruba

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